Ingxelo yabucala: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kuthi. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungazivezi iinkcukacha zakho kuye nakuphi na iimvume zakho.
Iiseti ze-thermostalic ye-thernatic
Model No:080.471
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
I-Intermastic ye-thermostalic sestres-i-Aesthetions i-Aesthetic Ivumelana nayo yonke imihla. Nge-kinen - ephefumlelwe yindalo, ayiyile i-thermostalic efihliweyo ye-thernatic. Inomdla ongaphakathi ngaphakathi kunye ne-silhouette yayo ecacileyo,...
Umxube weshawari yokufakwa kwe-HORED
Model No:6.056.470-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:1500000/per month
Ukusuka kumxube wethu weSihlalo seSihlalo seSihlalo esifihliweyo kumxube wethu wokuGqitywa kwe-Basin, iBhanki yokuHanjiswa, iseti yeBhanki, yonke i-kinen yenziwa ngenkcukacha kunye nobugcisa. Sikholelwa ukuba igumbi lokuhlambela yingcwele, indawo...
Model No:6.069.171-00-000
Udonga lwe-Arina luyeyona i-suucet inoyilo lomkhono kunye ne-chrome ye-chrome evuthiweyo. I-Wall Mount Busiger inombambo we-lever enye ivumela ubushushu obulula kunye nolawulo lokuhamba, kunye ne-uford enyukayo ngelixa i-cararamic ye-Ceramic...
Igumbi lokuhlambela igumbi lokuhlambela
Model No:6.069.114-00-000
Inyathelo kwiLizwe leShishini le-Demed kunye ne-kinen kunye ne-kinen yegumbi lokuhlambela. Fumanisa umdibaniso ogqibeleleyo wentuthuzelo kunye noyilo, ukutshata i-aesthetics ye-Aesthetics ye-Aesthetics kwi-Aesthetics enye ngexesha. Jonga iinkcukacha...
Model No:078.472
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Dibana ne-faucet yokufakelwa i-faucet efihliweyo: Ukudityaniswa kwemigca yejometri kunye nejikajika elithambileyo, ukuhambisa uyilo oluzibini ngexesha elithile kwaye zilungele nayiphi na into entle. Fumana ishawari efihliweyo efihliweyo yegumbi...
I-brass ishawari i-faucet iseti
Model No:078.471
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Njengoko iprojekthi iqalile, i-Brass Houcet ye-faucet isetiwe yesazisi sangaphambili, ishiya i-canvas engenanto apho uyilo lutsha lungathini ngononophelo. Umyili wajonga impompo yokuhlamba impompo iseke ukuba uziva ungonwabisi kwaye umeme, i-restert...
I-Wall inyuka i-hitter hitter impompo
Model No:6.089.340-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Olu luhlu luphakathi lweempompo zokuxuba ishawa, lubekwe kwisitayile sexeshana Le mpompo yemihluzi yokuxubha kukuba ixesha elidlulileyo kwaye langoku lidanisa ngokuhambelana ngokugqibeleleyo. I-CROFED evela kwizixhobo ezisemgangathweni eziphezulu...
I-5-Hole Rim Rim ikhwelo kunye nomxube wokuhlamba
Model No:6.056.331
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
I-56 yoloyikiso Ifomu ye-succicle kunye nexesha elifanelekileyo-I-5-Hole Rim Rim enyuka kunye nomxube wokuhlamba Abo bakonwabela ukubhiyozela isiko lemihla ngemihla lokuhlamba kufuneka benze njalo ngeemveliso ezintle, into emanzi anengqokelela...
I-Brass Igumbi lokuhlambela i-Guucet
Model No:6.056.114
Amandla okubonelela:1500000/per month
Ngena kwi-Kinen Brass ye-Brass Gound theword, apho imbali iyahlangana khona. Ukufakelwa kwethu kufakelo lwendalo kunye noyilo, lumema ngohambo lweemvakalelo ngokusebenzisa 'indawo yesakhiwo. Amava obuhle bobuhle be-Kinen Brass Brass suupet...
I-Wall ye-Doull Hobing Godter Faucet
Model No:065.371
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Apha udonga lwethu lubenyuka igumbi lokuhlamba i-faucet libonisa ubugcisa bamandulo kwaye i-ista migagamate njengokwenziwe ngobuhle bale curionible. I-Bokuhlamba i-Bokuhlamba i-curves i-curves egudileyo ibonelela nge-silhouette engenasiseko ukugqiba...
I-3-Hole Rim Rim ikhutshwe umxube wokuhlamba
Model No:6.089.132-00-000
Ukwazisa i-kinen 3-hole rim rim ikhutshwe ngumxube wokuhlamba, umxube omtsha wokuhlamba ihlamba kunye nembumbulu engapheliyo. I-spout ende ene-swan njengentamo inokuthelekisa nayiphi na igumbi lokuhlambela. Guqula igumbi lokuhlambela igumbi...
I-4-Hole Rim Rim ifakwe umxube wegumbi lokuhlambela
Model No:6.089.331-00-000
Ngoyilo lwayo lokulala kunye nokungaphelelwa lixesha, i-Kinen 4-Hole Rim Rim iqhuma umxube wegumbi lokuhlambela izisa i-thephiction yendawo yokuhlambela kuyo nayiphi na igumbi lokuhlambela. Lo mxube weBhanki yokuBhabha kunye nempahla...
I-brass iqabane elinye lokutsala ikhitshi
Model No:6.027.211-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
I-Brass Tow-Ukhiya ikhitshi ikwasoloko ifikelela ixesha elide, ivumela umsebenzisi ukuba afumane ngokulula kuzo zonke iindawo zentsimbi. I-faucet ngokwayo inokuba neyoyilo elide, i-gooseneck yokuhlalisa iimbiza ezinkulu kunye neepani. kwaye...
Umxube weBhanki yeBhafingiso kunye nomtya
Model No:6.065.333-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Uyilo oluhle kunye nokusebenza ngokukhululekileyo, le mpompo yomxube yokuhlamba kunye nomjelo wezandla uya kuphakamisa ukujonga indawo yakho ngelixa ubonelela ngamava anemithungo. I-Kinen Power impompo yomjelo we-ARDOWANTER kwi-ARDE yamandulo kunye...
Umxube weBhafingiso wokuHamba kunyewa
Model No:6.065.333-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
I-65 ye-Primer Priment Priment Tap ene-Darnhower ye-DRODBOD yongeza nayiphi na igumbi lokuhlambela. Ngoyilo lwayo oluhle kunye nokusebenza ngokukhululekileyo, iimpompo zomxube ngowenziwe ngugcino, ziya kuphakamisa ukujonga indawo yakho ngelixa...
I-5-Hole Rim inyuka ibhafu kwaye ihlamba i-faupt
Model No:6.065.331-00-000
Into entle, ngokuthe ngqo, ukhululekile: Uchungelelo lwe-55 ye-55 ye-5,3 ye-Hole Rim enyukayo kwaye i-fuucet ivelise ubugcisa bamandulo kunye ne-italgamate njengokuhlelwa kwamandla. Ukucocwa ngokuchaneka kunye nokuqwalaselwa kweenkcukacha, le gumbi...
I-brass i-lever ikhitshi ikhitshi le-faucet
Model No:6.043.212-00-000
I-brass i-brass ikhitshi ikhitshi i-switl swivel swivel swiveut ye-swiveut ye-Swiveut ye-Swiveut kunye ne-WelfE, ikuvumela ukuba ujike ngokulula phakathi kwemisebenzi ngokwenza lula phakathi kwemisebenzi ngokukhululeka. I-Kitchel yethu yamanzi...
Ukudonsa ikhitshi yekhitshi ye-swinks
Model No:6.012.292-00-000
I-Kinen ye-Kinen yokutsala ikhitshi yekhitshi yokuntywila ingayi kudlala kuphela kunye ne-cotour yayo, kodwa kunye nesimo sengqondo sokutsala i-faucucet yendawo yokutsala. Kwangelo xesha, ikhitshi le-Treal phantsi lenze intuthuzelo enkulu kwindawo...
I-faucet brass brass i-lever ikhitshi ikhitshi
Model No:6.FNK.213-00-000
Le faucucet brass brass i-lever ikhitshi ikhitshi kwi-curted yoyilo elidityanisiweyo kunye nokusebenza okuphezulu kunye nentuthuzelo. I-hitchen egalelekileyo ye-hitchen enamatso anomgangatho wayo omnyama omnyama, icacisa isimilo soyilo kwaye...
I-3-hole yokuhlamba i-balin yomxube
Model No:6.065.133-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
I-Kinen yethu ye-Kinen yokuhlamba i-ballin put, imele ubugcisa bamandulo kunye ne-ampogate njengokudibana kwe-curionis ye-curve ye-curve ye-curve ye-CHEAP ihamba impompo ye-Batnin Home ye-Badling Walt. I-Kinen yokuhlamba i-Balin ye-Kinen icofe...
Abaxuba abatshatanga abatshatayo
Model No:6.018.111-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Apha i-Shakespeare Sering Cwangcisiweyo ye-Basin imele ubugcisa bamandulo kwaye inyanzelise ukuba ubuhle banamhlanje. Ukuntywila kwi-claysics kunye nolwazi. Abaxube abatshatayo abatshatayo ngabo banxibelelanisa iMpuma yeMpuma naseNtshona. I-Basin...
I-Brass yokuhlamba i-ballin yomxube
Model No:6.018.111-00-000
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Dibana ne-Binen Brass yethu ye-Binen yokuhlamba i-ballin yomxube: Ukudityaniswa kweendawo ezithambileyo kunye ne-curves ethambileyo kulo mxube we-ballin yokuhlamba, unikezela ngoyilo oluyinto yexesha eliyindawo yokuhlala. Ngolu phawu lwegusha...
Model No:6.089.171
Amandla okubonelela:We are a factory and we are responsible for the entire production process
Ngubani ocinga ukuba ungomelezwe, indalo kunye nele mihla kwimpompo enye yomxube? I-Kinen Wall ye-Kinen yodonga ichithekile, iphuma nje ngathi awuzange ulindelwe kumxube. Nge-hue yayo etyebileyo ye-bronze kunye nemveliso yendabuko, udonga oluqhutywa...
Udonga olunye lwe-lever lukhuseleko lwe-balin
Model No:6.089.171
Kanye njengokuba udonga olunye lwe-lever luyekwe i-balin ye-calin yoyilo lwe-minist lever lubonelela ngokudibeneyo okungalindelekanga kobuhle kunye netekhnoloji yexesha elizayo. Uyilo oluqaqambileyo lwe-pumer oweluke longeza i-thokisi yokuchukumisa...
Ingxelo yabucala: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kuthi. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungazivezi iinkcukacha zakho kuye nakuphi na iimvume zakho.
Gcwalisa ulwazi oluthe kratya ukuze unxibelelane nawe ngokukhawuleza
Ingxelo yabucala: Ubumfihlo bakho bubaluleke kakhulu kuthi. Inkampani yethu ithembisa ukungazivezi iinkcukacha zakho kuye nakuphi na iimvume zakho.